Conference Program day 2: Wednesday March 13
Room: Kerkzaal
9:00 | Doors open |
9:25 | Opening |
9:30 | Dr. Terrence Jorgensen (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Can Bayesian methods yield more robust estimates of summary statistics for two-stage maximum likelihood estimation of multilevel structural equation models? |
10:00 | Javier Aguilar (TU Dortmund, Germany) Intuitive Joint Priors for Bayesian Linear Multilevel Models: The R2D2M2 prior. |
10:25 | Aditi Bhangale (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Hyperparameters of Prior Distributions for MCMC Estimation of the Multivariate Social Relations Model. |
10:50 | Coffee and Tea Break |
11:10 | Dr. Xynthia Kavelaars (Open Universiteit, The Netherlands) Bayesian analysis of multilevel data from multiple correlated binary outcome variables. |
11:35 | Hanne Oberman (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) Imputation of Incomplete Multilevel Data with R. |
12:00 | Dr. Christian Röver (University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany) How trace plots help illustrating hierarchical models. |
12:25 | Lunch |
13:30 | Dr. Chiara di Maria (University of Palermo, Italy) Structural multilevel models for longitudinal mediation analysis: a definition variable approach. |
13:55 | Dr. Joran Jongerling (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) Robust Autoregressive Modeling: Protecting Against Bias Caused by Omitted Lags Using Random Residual Variances. |
14:20 | Dr. Leonie Vogelsmeier (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) Disentangling changes in careless responding from changes in substantive item interpretation in ecological momentary assessment. |
14:45 | Sebastian Mildiner Moraga (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) A Bayesian multilevel hidden Markov model with Poisson-lognormal emissions for longitudinal count data. |
15:10 | Short Break |
15:25 | PhD-award ceremony |
15:30 | Keynote 2: Prof. Dr. Dan McNeish (Arizona State University, USA) Measurement in Intensive Longitudinal Data. |
16:30 | Closing remarks and End of Day 2 |