Multilevel Conference

Call for abstracts

The conference will feature two types of presentations: posters and talks.

The talks should be centered around a statistical and/or methodological aspect of multilevel modelling, advanced applications or tutorial type of presentations. Deadlines for submitting an abstract: If you submit before the 7th of January (2024), you will be notified on the 21st of January if your abstract is accepted. If you submit before 1st of February (2024), you will be notified on the 6th of February if your abstract is accepted. It is also possible to apply for a symposium as a group of presenters. The allocated time for the accepted presentations will be determined based on the number of accepted talks and confirmed in the acceptance letters. Applicants who wish to give a talk should use the talk abstract template and send their application to

The roles of posters in this conference will be slightly different than usual. One of the conference goals is to encourage a dialogue between researchers who are struggling to answer their research questions and methodologists/statisticians who might know a solution. We invite researchers who are running their analyses or who are working on their sampling design to present their question in a poster, i.e., the title of the poster should contain the question they have for methodologists in the audience, and the content of the poster should consist of a clear explanation of their research questions and the issues they encountered in their statistical analysis. Applications for presenting a poster will be reviewed starting December 1, 2021, and accepted on a rolling basis until the quota is reached (or until the first day of the conference). Applicants who wish to present a poster should use the poster abstract template and send their application to

There will be a Young Researcher Award for the best talk given by a PhD-student. If you indicated to be a PhD-student on the template you will be automatically nominated. The recipient of the award will be reimbursed for their conference registration fee and the costs of attending the conference dinner.